John has been a Wilderness advocate and caretaker since he arrived in Summit County. He worked with FENW from our beginning 27 years ago and was a board member for over 20 years. John has had a monumental impact on our community’s awareness of noxious weeds and our important efforts to make progress against the spreading of invasive species. John served on the State Noxious Weed Advisory Committee for 8 years, influencing Summit County and many other Colorado counties, CDO and State Parks to allocate more funding to educate and combat the horrific impacts of noxious weeds on our ecosystems.
Musk thistle, false chamomile, oxeye daisies, spotted knapweed, tamarisk, leafy spurge and other noxious weeds have been taking over our local wilderness and destroying habitat for many years, but we have seen huge renewal of native habitat due to the John’s work with “weed spotters” in the field and ongoing education of the public.