The 2025 Wild & Scenic Film Festival will be held on World Water Day this year, March 22. All proceeds from the event go to support ESWA's work. The past two years, the festival has generated more than $12,000 in net support. This year, we are trying a new venue -- Silverthorne Pavilion. Volunteers from ESWA and A-Basin make this event a success each year. Here's what you can do to help:
Attend! Save the date, and watch for ticket information to be out in the next month.
Volunteer! Contact Karn at if you can help before or during the event. If you wish to help with film selection, please let Karn know as soon as possible.
Sponsor or help find sponsors! Our business sponsors are what make this event so fruitful. If you or someone you know might be interested in sponsoring, please contact Steve Elder at Sponsor levels include $1500 (Bighorn), $750 (Lynx), and $350 (Pika). Our past sponsors have included: