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October 12 & 13 Rocky Mountain Wilderness Gathering in Keystone

ESWA is a key organizer of an exceptional gathering of wilderness volunteers coming up this October. In this unique opportunity to learn from and engage with Colorado- and Wyoming-based land stewardship organizations, you and key leaders from over 14 organizations will have a unique opportunity to:

  • Expand and strengthen your network of friends and colleagues in volunteer-based wilderness stewardship groups like ESWA

  • Discuss challenges facing our organizations and how we can work together to address them

  • Hear from USFS leaders and experienced wilderness stewards about the many ways we can support our wilderness areas.

We are very fortunate to have distinguished guests who will be joining us:

  • Ralph Swain, Wilderness guru and inspiration to many of us, is our featured speaker. He will be addressing “The Meaning of Wilderness: 1964 and Today.”

  • Chelsea Muise, Wilderness, Wild & Scenic Rivers and Congressionally Designated Areas Program Manager for the Rocky Mountain Region.

  • Chris Ham, USFS Deputy Director of Recreation, Lands, Minerals, and Volunteers.

There will be breakout sessions to learn about key topics that groups across the region have identified as mutual challenges:

Recruiting and retaining both volunteers and internal leadershipNumerous Training strategies and the many related critical issuesData management, including volunteer and donor managementImproving our community outreach effortsCoordination with our partner agenciesHow to expand our forest stewardship programming

Are you a subject matter expert in one of those areas?  If you have expertise you can share in one of the above areas, or can recommend someone who might be able to speak to one of these topics, please contact Eric Malmborg.

For more details and to register for the October 12 & 13 Rocky Mountain Wilderness Gathering in Keystone, CO, follow the link below:

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